
Who is Jim Rogers?

July 29, 2010

And why did Oklahoma Democrats choose him to run against Tom Coburn for  U.S. Senate?

Jim Rogers, Democratic nominee for U. S. Senate

I haven’t been able to learn very much about Jim Rogers.  Newspaper summaries of candidates who filed for office this year refer to him as little more than a 75-year-old “perennial candidate” from Midwest City.

Rogers also ran for U.S. Senate against Jim Inhofe in 2008, but gained “only” 40% of the primary vote against state legislator Andrew Rice.

But in 2010, Rogers has come into his own.  He received 65.4% of the Democratic vote against political newcomer Mark Myles.

I recall that over 30 years ago, a Tulsa attorney filed a court petition to change his name from Rabon Martin to Wilbur Jimbob Rogers so that he could be a candidate for the Corporation Commission.  Martin was trying to make some sort of humorous point about famous-name candidates in Oklahoma.  His petition was denied.

Successful “famous name” candidates in Oklahoma have included former Congressman Will Rogers (not the humorist), former Labor Commissioner Wilbur Wright (not the inventor of the airplane), and former State Auditor John Rogers (no relation to the humorist).

Jim Rogers had no campaign website and did no campaigning that anyone can discover.  His qualifications?  I have no idea.  Besides his familiar and semi-famous name, does Jim Rogers have some political assets that we don’t know about?

Jim Rogers’ opponent was political newcomer Mark Myles,  an Oklahoma City attorney with a long history of community service.

To me, the strong preference of Oklahoma Democrats for the zany Rogers over the solid Myles is inexplicable.  It’s almost as strange as the choice of Alvin Green in the South Carolina senate Democratic primary.  But SC has open primaries, and there were allegations of Republican mischief and even vote-counting irregularities there.  Rogers seems to have won his nomination fair and square.

Mark Myles and family

Any theories?

– Graychin


  1. No real, viable Dem woiukd run. Brad Henry was pushed to do so but did not. Too bad. Cobum is an idiot.

  2. I did not vote on the Senate Primary line of the ballot precisely because I knew nothing of either candidate. I also know that it doesn’t really matter. The slack-jawed bagger droolers who will turn out in November will see to that.

  3. Graychin,

    Theories? Not so much theory as the fact Dimocrats couldn’t field a candidate that could run a fruit stand. Like Obama. 🙂

    I just figured this wanderer was your namesake.

  4. CoBUM is the best the GOP Teaparty could do. Even other GOPers hate him.

  5. CoBUM is the best the GOP Teaparty could do. Even other GOPers hate him.

    Yeah, that’s why CoBUM got 90% of the primary vote and Graychin’s brother for an opponent. 🙂

    As far as being dumb, a CPA then M.D. isn’t some made up credential like somebody else I know.

    Welcome to another six years Senator Coburn.

    • There is plenty of evidence that CoBUM is not a competent doctor – and he certainly is not a competent representative of the people.

      His “diagnosis” of Terri Schaivo: – what a creep!

      Sooner State family doctor Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said, ”All you have to do is look at her on TV. Any doctor with any conscience can look at her and know that she does not have a terminal disease and know that she has some function

    • Tex, you just can’t get along without me, can you?

      Haven’t you learned yet that what is popular (Coburn – or Faux News) isn’t necessarily what is worthwhile? Who taught you a sense of values? You won’t find values in a study guide.

  6. There is plenty of evidence that CoBUM is not a competent doctor – and he certainly is not a competent representative of the people.

    That’s why he was one of the most popular OBGYN’s in the state and received 90% of the vote. 🙂

    You need to move where there is real competency. Like Charlie Rangel’s district in Harlem.

    • Rangle is going down. And he deserves to.

      I can’t understand why John Ensign doesn’t get equal news coverage. Must be the durn librul media. But when Ensign goes down (and he will) he may take Brother Coburn down with him. Aiding in a felony?

      That’s some “family” they’ve got there. Spiritual support and all that.

  7. I do beleive there is a dust mite here. Hear it twittering?

  8. But Graychin,

    You were just whining as recently as three weeks ago that I had written off your spectacular blog. Is your system still magically adding “TROLL” to my messages, or will this one just suddenly disappear too?

    I thought you’d be “thrilled” that I looked you and the village idiot’s assistant up for your ‘magnificent’ debating skills. Looks like you could still use the input. It must kill a couple of pinkos like you two that you’re living right in the heart of Red Country. Even your own representative is a heck of a lot closer to me than you and the misfit.

    Actually, I was wondering if you were still with us, so I checked to make sure you were still breathing. I have always speculated your last act will be some retort about the evils of Christianity on your blog before you depart for liberal pastures.

    Here’s another ‘theory’ – Oklahoma Dims are racists. Like about Obama. 😆

    • Tex, do you have any issues you would like to discuss here? Or do you intend to keep it all about personalities, your perennial favorite subject?

      If you think I’m going to be “thrilled” to read your personal attacks here, you’re very wrong. Your weird political, social and religious opinions are more or less welcome here. But since this is MY blog, I’m going to demand that you keep it on a higher level than is your usual M.O. Can you handle that?

      I doubt that you can. I have never deleted or edited any of your previous comments, but that can change in an instant. The choice is yours. You can: 1) behave respectfully and courteously in someone else’s home like your mama taught you, showing us how superior good “Christians” like you are to heathens like the Dog and me; 2) get booted; 3) best of all, take a hike right now and spare yourself all that Faux outrage that is the very heart of your persona when you inevitably do get edited and booted.

      What will it be?

  9. Speaking of John Ensign – Coburn has turned over a load of e-mails on how Ensign tied to hide his philandering with government jobs. E-mails that he said he would never turn over. Snakes turn on each other when things get hot. What happened to that “privileged conversation” thing?

    • What happened to the Coburn-Ensign “privileged conversation” thing? For one thing, it has no legal standing. Coburn’s emails are subject to subpoena like everyone else’s. Coburn’s claims that the “Family” is a tight little religious cult in which members’ communications with each other are privileged “religious counseling” were pathetically self-serving.

      And Coburn must have realized that his claims about having a doctor-patient relationship with Ensign were beyond ridiculous. Unless there is something surprising about Ensign that we don’t yet know, he never has and never will have any need for the services of an OB-GYN. 😀

      Don’t be surprised if Coburn gets indicted sometime before election day. Not that it will have the slightest effect on the outcome election. Coburn could get caught in flagrante delicto with an armadillo in Bartlett Square at high noon, and Okies would still send him back to Washington because they admire his “values.”

    • A timely news item on Ensign (and Coburn):

      The Senate on Thursday night quietly approved a resolution that will allow Sen. John Ensign’s aides to testify to a federal grand jury investigating the aftermath of the Nevada Republican’s extramarital affair with a former campaign aide.


      Where is the Faux outrage?

  10. ahh yes those red state “family values.” The same ones that encourage the earliest marriages, the most out of wed-lock births, the most divorces and er the most religious hypocrisy.

  11. Alfie started enforcing manners at his house and the dust mite fled.

    • The dust mite fled from the Hippie Professor’s blog as well.

  12. I may be losing my mind but this is the second comment I’ve made today on you guy’s blog that seems to defend conservatives. No, Tex has not brain-washed me. LOL

    Fellas, when we look at the Republican party we’ve got some slim pickins from which to choose. Tom Coburn actually seems to be the better of a lot of very bad choices. He was the only one at the Obama health care summit who had any pro-active ideas. That did impress me.

    Granted, the Family gives me the creeps big time. As we look at the Republican field out there, Coburn does seem smarter than the average GOPher. Maybe that’s damning by faint praise. 🙂

    Another GOPher who intrigues me is Paul Ryan. He’s young and seems smart. Don’t worry, I’m not about to vote Republican any time soon but it pays to watch the competition.

  13. Paul Ryan is “smart” if you want the country to go back a century or two. He actully put hard ideas out there enunciated GOP ideals – you know – all for the rich folk. The rest of his cronies hate hm for it. Under the bus for him.

  14. Rutherford, I suggest that Coburn looks better to you than he does to us Okies because you don’t know him as well as we do. The only good thing I can think of to say about Coburn is that he doesn’t max out on the hypocrisy scale as most GOPhers do. He’s high, but he doesn’t max out. (I don’t recall him complaining as much about deficits until Obama got into office, but he did complain.)

    Coburn actually does come up with proactive ideas now and then, but I can’t think of one that was even halfway sane. Most are just batshit crazy.

    Paul Ryan HAS put his ideas out there on the table. They aren’t new, but they ARE ideas that are well thought out. Fortunately or unfortunately, not even his Republican colleagues are willing to admit publicly that they support his ideas. Ryan has gathered very few co-sponsors for his “Blueprint.” God forbid that Republicans should be forced to disclose their REAL agenda – especially in an election year.

    So the Dog is right about Paul Ryan. His ideas are ones that most GOPhers would support, but won’t appreciate being forced to take a stand on. It’s under the bus with Ryan.

    • Yeah Rutherford. That’s why Coburn will win by probably 35-45 points. That’s how unpopular the “people who know Coburn.”

      Matter of fact Rutherford, Coburn in overwhelmingly district of which Graychin lives unseated a Democratic candidate 16 years ago he’s so unpopular.

      Now Graychin, if telling the truth gets me booted, boot me.

      And so you’re “assistant” doesn’t go unchallenged with his usual untruths, just as recently as this week I’ve commented at both Alfie and Hippie’s blog.

      This is the only one that invokes censorship.

    • Tex, like I said earlier – didn’t you ever learn that what’s popular isn’t necessarily what’s good? By that measure, Obama is the best presidential candidate in decades, based on his popular vote.

      Where did you learn your sense of values? From a study guide? 😀

      Seriously – since you hate the Dog and me so much, why are you here? I guess you need an outlet for all that hate.

  15. but won’t appreciate being forced to take a stand on. Yeah but isn’t that a good thing? You see I think there are more than a handful of folks that will be taking on the establishment thinking and that is always a good thing regardless of the party.
    Let me get this straight. You all have closed,party dedicated primaries?

    • …yes closed – but you are never sure what that means. There are a lot of GOPers registered Dem just so they vote for the weaker Dem in teh primary. Then there are the Dixiecrats who were just to lazy to switch when the GOP became the “Southern Strategy” party.

  16. twitter twitter mite twitter

  17. Seriously – since you hate the Dog and me so much, why are you here? I guess you need an outlet for all that hate.

    I told you – boredom. Curious to see if you had fallen off the map. I was the only one from the other side of the aisle that wasn’t laughing and mocking that you’d left. Since you followed me originally, I came looking for you. I think you “misoverestimate” your influence and popularity. Can’t believe your old brother, the ‘PHD’, thinks I’m not posting at Alfie’s or Hippie’s for that matter. Just as recently as this week.

    And hate? Nah, to hate something means one carries a matter of importance. You don’t rank hate – simple morbid curiosity.

    Truly, I didn’t find you real competitive where the dialogue roams free. Frankly, I was a little surprised at your lack of depth. Your “spirituality” boilerplate screed scores near the bottom scale – you need to frequent those atheist blogs a little more to get a better handle. Perhaps I can loan you my study guides, because what ever you were using wasn’t working for you…

    When your’s finally drop, and you’re running out of time, look me up! Now you can delete me tough guy. 😈

    • Tex, if following me around is what you need to bring some mild enjoyment into your boring, empty life, then why would I refuse you? Since I don’t believe that God will help you, who else would help such a needy and pathetic soul?

      But everything has its limits. Fair warning – this is your very last content-free comment that I will let stand without deletion. The Dog and I already know that you hate dislike us, and I would think that you would be as tired of repeating yourself as we are of reading it. I will delete the next personal attack from you without any notice or trace. Find another spot for your hateful bile.

      It’s true that I’m not important in the grand scheme of things. But I seem to have been the most important thing in your life for the past couple of months. That’s pretty sad – don’t you think? Since you avoid work, you definitely need a more productive hobby.

      If you want to try to make an intelligent comment here on some issue – give it a shot. You might surprise yourself – and the Dog and me.

  18. The most ironic part about “the dust mite” is that he is from the Left Coast. Worried about OK politics – why? That place is just crawling with communists and rainbow folks.

    Usually individuals like that have serious mental problems. You kind of feel sorry for them, and certainly for anyone – coworkers or family – around them.

  19. The Oklahoma newspapers are finally waking up to the question of “Who is Jim Rogers?”



    Jim looks a lot like Willie Nelson, doesn’t he?

  20. Wonder if he can sing….?

  21. Willie Nelson can sing?

    • Alfie, if you don’t like Willie Nelson’s singing, then there is even less hope for you than I ever imagined.

      Willie sings like an angel. You’re just an old grump who doesn’t like Willie’s music because he’s a pot-smoking liberal! 😀

  22. Actually most of my fave recording artists are into harder stuff. Seriously though I just felt like added a little levity. Good luck in your elections even though I have to say i like Coburn

  23. Forgot to add …far from conservative darlings.
    Free hit though for the counter cheers

  24. To the author: Where did the image used in this blog come from? I am looking for a free image to use for Jim Rogers’ wikipedia page. Thank you.

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